Homeschool and After School Classes

Fall 2024 Science Classes

Hands on, experiment based science classes with new topics and experiments for the Fall of 2024! Our Cupertino facility provides both an indoor lab space with ample spaces outside for our larger and messier experiments.

  • Homeschool and After School Classes!
  • New High School a-g Physics class for homeschoolers! Find more information on our high school option here.
  • Indoor science lab with additional space outside for larger and messier experiments!
  • Hands on, experiment based Science Classes for ages 5-18
  • All New Experiments Each Session! We typically don’t repeat experiments more than once every 3-4 years.
  • More classes! Additional classes on a range of subjects offered for homeschool families at the same location Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday by A-Team.

Fall Experiment List

  • Liquid NitrogenFreeze stuff, shrink balloons, and make Dippin’ Dots ice cream!
  • Exploding Film Canisters Fire film canisters across the lab and into the sky!
  • Water Bottle Rockets How far can you make your rocket fly?
  • Life Under a MicroscopeWhat tiny creatures are living in that pond?
  • Lego Earthquake TableBuild tall lego structures that can withstand an earthquake!
  • Cookie ChemistryWhat happens when you change the ingredients in your recipe?
  • Human HeartsHow does your heart work?
  • CatapultsBuild a catapult and send grapes flying across the lab!
  • Geiger CountersBecome a radiation detective!
  • Paddle BoatsCan your paddle boat win the race?
  • Bristle BotsCreate a jittery, vibrating friend with a simple circuit!
  • Echo BlastersUse a spring to cause sound to echo and make sounds like a laser blaster!
  • Surface TensionHow many drops of water fit on a penny?
  • Egg DropCan your egg survive the fall?

Schedule and Registration

14 Week Session: August 27 – December 12, week long breaks October 7-11 and November 26-29


  • $345 ($385 charter school) for standard science classes
  • $700 ($740 charter school) for 2 hour High School a-g Physics

To register for the Winter, click on the class your would like to register for below and you will be taken to a registration page for that class. If a class is marked as full and closed to new registration you can contact our director at to be placed on the wait list. We highly recommend you follow the instructions on our “How to Register” page to avoid any confusion if you are new to our system. Clicking on the button below will open the “How to Register” page in a separate window.