2024 Summer Science Camps
This Summer we will be offering full day science camps for kids ages 6-12 in Cupertino! Week long camps will run from 9 am to 3 pm combining exciting experiments, storytelling, free exploration STEM activities, and more! See below for more information on our camp themes, location, ages, and tuition, or click the button below to go straight to registration.
Camp Themes
Causing Destruction!
Explore the science behind natural disasters like tornados and earthquakes!
Dates: July 8-12 and July 29-August 2, ages 6-12

- Earthquakes — Can you build a lego structure that can survive our earthquake table?
- Liquefaction — Shake different mixtures and watch as structures sink or stand!
- Liquid Nitrogen — Create the next ice age (and a cold treat!) with liquid nitrogen!
- Parachutes — Can you design a parachute to bring that teddy bear to safety?
- Tornados — Create and explore tornados and whirlpools!
- Oil Spill — Can you clean up the oil spill and save the day?
- Vacuum Chamber — What is it like in the vacuum of space?
- Landslide — Watch streams form and the land slide as the area is flooded!
- Destructive Testing — How so different materials hold up to kid powered destruction?
- Fission — Set off a chain reaction and watch everything fly!
- Solar Furnace — Can you melt a penny with the heat of the sun?
- Greenhouse Effect — How does carbon dioxide speed warming?
- Hot Air Balloon — Create giant hot air balloons the length of the parking lot!
Making Magic!
Fool your senses and create the impossible through the magic of science!
Dates: July 15-19 and August 5-9, ages 6-12

- Static Levitation — Use static electricity to make silver rings hover!
- Inverted Pendulums — Can you make a pendulum…upside down?
- Magnetic Slime — Make a slimy friend you can control with magnets!
- Sound Effects — Can you create sounds like a clucking chicken or a laser blaster to fool your friends?
- Surface Tension — How many drops of water can you fit on a penny?
- Hydrophobic — Make water bead up and run away!
- Minion Divers — Can you fool your parents with a creature in a bottle that obeys your commands?
- Optical Illusions — Discover the science behind optical illusions!
- Balloon Obstacle Course — Control helium balloons with neutral buoyancy and Bernoulli’s Principle!
- Rainbows — How many ways can you create a rainbow!
- Balancing Creatures — Create a friend who balances in unusual ways!
- Potion Making — Use chemistry to create potions that bubble and change color!
- Climbing Colors — Can you change the color of a flower or make a rainbow bridge?
- Flash and Bang — Create flashes of fire and exploding bubbles you can hold in your hand!
- 3D Vision — Can you make something flat appear 3D?
Create and Design!
Explore engineering and build inventions that spin, fly, and amaze!
Dates: July 22-26, ages 6-12

- Dancing Air Tubes — Create a tube that twists and dances!
- Stomp Rocket Design — Design your own stomp rocket and see how far it flies!
- Paper Circuits — Can you add lights and sounds to your drawings?
- Bull Roarer — Summon the troops with a spinning instrument that roars!
- Catapults — How far can you catapult that grape with craft sticks and clothespins?
- Robot Hand — Build an artificial hand and challenge your friends to a game of pick up sticks!
- Pinball Machines — Design your own pinball machine and set those marbles in motion!
- Egg Toss — Can you keep that egg safe even if it is tossed by a trebuchet?
- Burglar Alarms — Create an alarm to protect your stuff!
- Marshmallow Shooters — Use your breath to propel marshmallow ammunition!
- String Climbers — Create a creature that can climb up strings and race your friends!
For the Summer of 2024 our Summer Camps will be held at St. Jude’s Episcopal Church in Cupertino. In addition to our indoor, air conditioned classroom the campus includes shaded, outdoor tables, a playground, and space both on grass and on a blocked off parking lot for larger, wetter, and messier experiments!

St. Jude’s is located at 20902 McClellan Road in Cupertino. It is situated on three acres of land at the southeast corner of Stelling and McClellan Roads, diagonally across from DeAnza College. You can enter the parking lot from either road.
Schedule, Rates, and Registration
July 8 – July 12 | Causing Destruction! | 5 days, 9:00-3:00, Ages 6-12, $695 |
July 15 – July 19 | Making Magic! | 5 days, 9:00-3:00, Ages 6-12, $695 |
July 22 – July 26 | Create and Design! | 5 days, 9:00-3:00, Ages 6-12, $695 |
July 29 – August 2 | Causing Destruction! | 5 days, 9:00-3:00, Ages 6-12, $695 |
August 5 – August 9 | Making Magic! | 5 days, 9:00-3:00, Ages 6-12, $695 |
To register for camp, click on the button below and you will be taken to a registration page. We highly recommend you follow the instructions on our “How to Register” page to avoid any confusion if you are new to our system.
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